Most Recent Projects

Vorpal Vorpal

A full-stack app to be used for people who run Dungeons and Dragons (5E) games. Currently it is just a Magic Item Shop Generator, but future developments will host a whole suite of tools for Dungeon Masters. This project was built using Bootstrap, MongoDB, Node.js/Express.js, JavaScript, and jQuery.

The Dev Shell The Dev Shell

A MERN-stack SPA (Single Page Application) built utilizing MongoDB's cloud DBaaS, Atlas. This app is a social network platform for developers to find each other and connect with each other for future applications, or show off their work.

Dream Team Manager Dream Team Manager

I worked primarily as a front end developer on a 5 person team to bring this Fantasy Basketball Team Manager to fruition. It is for people who want to imagine things from the perspective of a coach. It was built with MySQL, Materialize, Node.js/Express.js, JavaScript/jQuery, and the animation library of Animate.css. I handled the CSS stylings and layout of the pages, drag and drop functionality, and connecting the salary cap slider to the Your Salary and Luxury Tax divs to dynamically render using Regex.

React Calculator React Calculator

A simple arithmetic operator calculator built with React.js, styled to look like an iPhone calculator!

GraphQL GraphQL JSON-Server

A back-end only JSON-Server with GraphQL and Node.js/Express.js with CRUD functionality. Uses GraphiQL to access data in the browser.

Chicago Coding Resource Hub Chicago Coding Resource Hub

A smaller team (3 people) that aimed to serve as a hub of resources for those interested in the Chicago tech scene. In this project I handled overhauling a former member's Front End design and taking it from a premade theme into something that was a little more our own! Users can browse educational articles from the Khan Academy API, job listings from the Github Jobs API, events from the Eventbrite API, or submit their own listings to these feeds. It was built using Firebase, JavaScript/jQuery, and Bootstrap.

SpaceX Launch Tracker SpaceX Launch Tracker

A React.js Single-Page-Application (SPA) that provides a feed of SpaceX launch and rocket data provided by querying the SpaceX API. This app was also made using a Node.js/Express.js back-end, Axios, GraphQL, and Apollo.

Bamazon Bamazon

Bamazon is a CLI app utilizing Node.js and mySQL. It presents the titular storefront that can be accessed either as a customer, or as a manager of the store. It utilizes the Inquirer package to handle prompted user inputs. Managers can perform CRUD operations in the mySQL database to manipulate inventory data.


LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI is a CLI Node.js app that takes in parameters and passes back data based on said parameters. LIRI searches Spotify for songs, Bandsintown for concerts, and OMDB for movies. If users don't provide parameters when querying one of the APIs, they automatically receive info on Slayer for concerts, "The Sign" by Ace of Base for songs, and Mr. Nobody for movies.

If you like what you see here, please visit my Github for even more projects that I've done!

Technologies I use:

About Me

The most junior of baby web developers. I graduated Northwestern University's Coding Boot Camp in February 2019. I have ~1 year of experience of self-taught coding prior to attending the boot camp, mostly in Python.

Most of my time spent in Python has been used to learn foundational programming skills, data structures, and develop simple games such as Tic Tac Toe, Yahtzee, a one-way version of Pong, and more.

Since then, I've used the skills I've picked up over the course of the boot camp to build more complex applications and I'm picking up new tricks on a daily basis. I am currently available for work and actively seeking a transition into the industry as a developer.

Boredom/stagnation has never been a known entity in my life. When I'm not writing code, I have so many things that consume my day-to-day. To name a few:

  • I play Dungeons and Dragons (on both sides of the screen) multiple times a week, and have played for over 15 years.
  • I like to make music, mix audio, and am currently about to start recording a live play D&D podcast with my coworkers from Honey Butter Fried Chicken.
  • I play many video games. I would say my top 3 games that I'm currently playing are: Persona 5, Spyro (Remastered), and The Witcher 3.
  • I absolutely love Trading Card Games! I'm an avid Magic: The Gathering player, and also play Hearthstone from time to time.
  • I have a Bengal cat named Burger that I snagged through a friend for free! He's a 20 lb. monster who loves to ruin my life.
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